Indian Media Features Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Action
Our firm is co-counsel to the plaintiff in a Dodd-Frank whistleblower action pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, Gupta v. New Silk Route Advisors, L.P., et al. The case recently attracted significant attention in the Indian media, with articles appearing in both the Times of India and Business Today. The articles focus on allegations in both our complaint and another litigation brought by Rajat Gupta, concerning a specific transaction involving a prominent Indian business magnate, the late VG Siddhartha.
The case presents several novel questions about the landscape of the thus-far lightly litigated whistleblower provisions of Dodd-Frank, and we anticipate that important rulings are likely to emanate from the court as the case proceeds.
If you are a financial services employee who reported, either internally or to the SEC, concerns about conduct within your company, and suffered retaliation as a result, please contact a securities attorney at the Galbraith Law Firm, by calling 212.203.1249 or emailing for a free, confidential consultation.