Blog & Investigations
SEC Whistleblower Action against Japan’s Government
Representing executives of five environmental non-profits, we have filed an SEC whistleblower complaint against the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), an arm of Japan’s government. JICA has materially harmed U.S. investors and threatens to exacerbate climate change by financing coal-fired…
Firm Secures Victory for Investment Advisors
Representing father-and-son investment advisors in New Jersey, the firm secured a 100% victory in a FINRA arbitration brought by a former customer. On the basis of our written submissions, including multiple detailed affidavits and dozens of exhibits, the arbitrator ruled…
FINRA’s Proposed Expungement Limits Headed to SEC for Final Approval
In late 2020, FINRA sent to the SEC for its final review and approval a set of changes to the expungement process that would fundamentally reshape the legal landscape in this area. FINRA’s proposal runs to 557 pages, so we’ll limit our…
Indian Media Features Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Action
Our firm is co-counsel to the plaintiff in a Dodd-Frank whistleblower action pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, Gupta v. New Silk Route Advisors, L.P., et al. The case recently attracted significant attention…
COVID-19 Market Meltdown May Expose Unsuitable Investments
With the stock market plummeting and the years-long bull market at an end, many investors are feeling some combination of panic, resignation or at the very least, deep concern. Many investors, when they see significant losses in their portfolios—whether realized…
Galbraith Featured in Think Advisor Article on Financial Advisory Teams
Think Advisor recently published a piece by executive recruiter Mark Elzweig titled, “Six Steps to Take Before You Build a Team,” which featured thoughts and insights from Kevin Galbraith on the topic of how financial advisors can protect their legal and economic…
SEC Proposes Overhaul of Advertising and Solicitation Rules
The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has proposed a major change to the rules governing investment advisers. Under the proposed rule, advisers would be empowered to post testimonials, endorsements and third-party ratings on social media, ending a decades-long ban on many types…
The Dangers of Insider Trading: New York Congressman Chris Collins Pleads Guilty and Resigns His Seat
The term “fiduciary duties” encompasses a set of responsibilities that serve as the cornerstone of regulating the securities markets. At the heart of these responsibilities are the duties of loyalty and care. When a person is placed in a position…
Assisting Investment Advisor Representatives in Their Employment Transition
The Galbraith Law Firm represents Susquehanna Financial Advisors, LLC, along with several of its personnel, in an ongoing litigation in the federal district court in the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Our clients left their former employer, Moff & Associates, due…