New Engagements Representing Financial Services Professionals

In order to keep readers informed of their legal rights, and to help prospective clients understand our practice, we like to highlight some of our representative engagements. Today, we focus on two engagements on behalf of financial services professionals.

In the first case, a deeply experienced and well regarded trader was wrongly forced to resign his position. The FINRA member firm, a nationally known company, forced our client out by giving him an ultimatum: resign or be placed in a patently unfair “performance improvement plan” designed to ensure the employee would fail to achieve the unrealistic benchmarks, which would then empower the firm to fire him “for cause.”

In response to this firm’s unconscionable actions toward our client, we have filed a FINRA claim to ensure that he is compensated for his lost income and can continue to support his family. On his behalf, we are bringing claims against the firm for wrongful termination, breach of contract and deceit.

In a second case, we represent an accomplished and highly respected financial professional who was wrongfully terminated and damaged by a false and defamatory Form U5 filing by his former employer. Our client was abruptly fired just before he was scheduled to receive a significant bonus, and then was replaced with less qualified individual. The firm’s decision to fire our client was a transparent effort to prevent him from receiving his upcoming bonus, as well as the severance package he would otherwise have been be entitled to. To add insult to injury, the firm then filed with FINRA a Form U5 that falsely described the circumstances of his departure.

In response to the firm’s unlawful and reprehensible treatment of our client, we have asserted legal claims of wrongful termination, breach of contract, defamation, deceit and intentional infliction of emotional distress. We are working to not only make sure our client is financially compensated for this mistreatment, but are also seeking expungement of the false Form U5 that the firm filed with FINRA.

At The Galbraith Law Firm, we work to protect both investors and financial services professionals by forcefully asserting their legal rights. If you have concerns about how a financial services company has behaved as an employer, or questions about the FINRA arbitration process in general, please contact a securities attorney for a free confidential consultation: 212.203.1249 or